Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Somewhat rare

Monkey see, monkey do! (Not that I'm calling either of you monkeys, I'm too sensitive to do that.)

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)

Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.

Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.

9 comments: said...

Oh go ahead and call me a monkey! After all, I have no feelings! ;-)

(It is true that I tend to appear rather insensitive. Sigh.) said...

... and one other thing ... is there an extroverted oboist out there? Seems like everyone tests as an introvert! (Even Cooper, who I took to be extremely extroverted. Go figure!)

Jillian Camwell said...

It's because we just LOVE to stay home making reeds instead of having fun.

Karmen said...

I'm the same (ISFP). Yay me! Apparently it's not THAT rare, or we're just both diamonds in the rough ;)

Cooper Wright said...

Ooh Ooh! Ooh Ooh! Hey we're the same type! Ooh ooh! Ooh Ooh! Banana!

Cooper Wright said...

By the way, I've always tested as an Introvert, but people always think I'm an extrovert said...

So ... no extroverts yet, eh?

Cooper DOES seem like an extrovert. But some folks say I do too. (My sis-in-law actually insisted I was wrong about myself and she knew better and that I am definitely an extrovert. I love it when people tell me I don't know anything about myself. Makes me feel so ... I dunno ... smart I guess.)

Anyway, off to practice and do reeds with me! :-)

Rachel Bardwell said...

I am an extrovert!! (although not an oboist, so maybe that doesn't count) I'm an ENFJ (Ked is almost my opposite at an ISTJ). I had a friend in college who was an ENFP and she said they used to have ENFP parties in seminary with everyone with that personality type (very outgoing and social). I joked that she'd need an ENFJ to plan the party as ENFP's aren't as organized. . . Wow, I know a little too much about the Myers Briggs.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's that rare for a musician. In college the whole horn section took the test and 9 of the 10 of us were INFP. Which is another one that's supposedly rare.