Friday, December 16, 2005

Sparky the Piano

We have a piano! After convincing Dave that it wasn't a good idea to attempt rolling the piano three blocks from the music building to our house, we had it delivered this afternoon. The piano was willed to Simpson College, but it had been sitting in a storage room for many years. As it was a gift to the school, it made sense to have a faculty member have it in their home rather than let it sit unused. So, it has been loaned to us indefinitely, and all we needed to do was have it moved and get it tuned. We were at the school earlier today, and there happened to be some piano movers there moving two grands! Dave asked them if they'd have time to move a piano three blocks, and he paid them $50. The best part will be having piano students come to my house instead of going to theirs. I'm looking forward to never teaching at the Indianola Super 8 again!

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