Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I promise...

I promise I'll write about my last two days of the conference. Our internet was viciously snatched out from under us (read: our time expired) on the same night I'd written my last blog. Since we've been home, I've been in the process of setting up my very own website. Today I delivered lesson flyers door-to-door (boy, it's been a while since I've done that!), since we've only lived in this new house for a couple of months and Indianola itself for one year. I don't expect to get many oboe students out of this neighbourhood (different flyers are going out to band teachers), but I've already received one call for a new piano student! That was fast!

I'll have some student info on my website, but mainly it's for shameless self-promotion. I'm looking into guest artist opportunities this year, and then there are always those future college jobs.

Most of it it still under construction (I'm not as quick at this as Dave), but so far I have some MP3s that you can download and enjoy! (hopefully!)

Without further ado, my website:

Stay tuned for further updates.

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