Thursday, March 02, 2006

Paul and Margaret's visit

I'd already mentioned that the Camwells visited us last week. We always love having them stay with us. Not only do we get to spend time with two of our favourite people, but our house benefits too! Paul is a genius at everything he does. About the most amazing thing he did for us was fix nearly all of the doorknobs in the house. Most of the doors would jam, and turning the knob wouldn't really help you get out of a room. He disassembled the three set-ups upstairs, then he worked on the bathroom downstairs. We now have a lock!!! Now when we have parties, we won't have any more "incidents". Paul actually drilled a hole and made a widget which you push in to lock. That engineer of a father-in-law of mine!

Margaret was not to be outdone. She did say, "I'm not the mother-in-law who comes into your home and proceeds to clean your floors!" as though we're not capable of keeping our own house clean. We really don't mind though! I don't take offense! When one of our mothers visits, buttons are miraculously reattached to coats, pant hems are fixed, and husband's shirts are ironed! I don't want to look bad here...I can iron! And if I was really in a pinch, I could sew on a button. The hemming? Let's just say, I was once taught a trick: get around hemming pants temporarily by using a glue stick on the hem--it will hold for about a day.

So, thank you, Margaret and Paul! We love having you, and it's not just for the work you do bringing us and our house up to code!

I've posted pictures on Kodak of their visit. These are their pictures--I'll add our own soon.

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