Saturday, October 08, 2005

Professor J. Camwell

At this rate, I don't know what I'll have left to put in our Christmas letter this year. One of these days nothing will happen, and I'll say to myself, "What on Earth will I blog about now?" There will either be a long spell of no blogs (most likely) or many blogs about Clara and Fanny and their daily adventures. Today Clara mewed for tuna. I filled both their bowls with food and gave them fresh water. Fanny likes to tip over her entire bowl, play with the dry food on the kitchen floor, pick it up and drop it in the water bowl.

I'm getting this about the cats now?

Anyway, my news. I'm getting to be almost as busy as Dave. First there was Cedar Rapids. Then OctOBOEfest in Iowa City; there's the Midwest Oboe Competition, and Mark Weiger asked me to adjudicate. Both our mothers are coming to town this month. I have four piano students on the go. Most recent: I was unofficially interviewed yesterday by Kevin Schilling, oboe professor at Iowa State University in Ames. He is taking a 6-week leave of absence, and I will be filling in for him. I'll be driving up to Ames (1 hr.) twice a week to teach the 7 oboe students at that school as well as a weekly studio session.

Throughout the month, I'll also be working on a project for Amy (oboe professor at UO), boning up on my French, and practicing for next month's OMP set. I fly to Eugene (alone this time) on Nov.1 for my French proficiency exam, Mozart Players concerts and lesson with Amy. Maybe in my spare time I'll take up welding. I may run a marathon or two. Who knows?

All is good on the midwestern front.

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